অ্যালবার্ট ক্যামুস
অ্যালবার্ট ক্যামুস
জন্ম : 11th July
মৃত্যু : 4th January 1960
Followers : 2

বায়োগ্রাফি : Albert Camus (7 November 1913, Mondovi (Dréan), French Algeria - Villeblevin, France) is recalled for his cynical humanism and his support for political lenience, dialogue, and civil rights. He was a French-Algerian philosopher, author, and journalist who graduated from the University of Algiers on licence de philosophie (BA) in 1936. In 1940 He married pianist and mathematician Francine Faure. His notable works include The Stranger / The Outsider, The Myth of Sisyphus, The Rebel, The Plague, etc. He was awarded The Noble Prize (1957) at the age of 44 in literature as the second-youngest recipient in history.