বায়োগ্রাফি : Robert Lee Frost is the only poet who won the Pulitzer prize 4 times for poetry and nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature 31 times. He received the Congressional Gold Medal in 1960. His poems were initially published in England. He is celebrated for his realistic portrayals of rural life and American colloquial speech. His father died of tuberculosis when he was 11 leaving his family with only 8 dollars. He lost his mother to cancer in 1900 and his younger sister was sent to a mental facility in 1920 and she died there in 1929. He attended both Dartmouth and Harvard but couldn’t finish his degrees. Later he was made an honorary member of Phi Beta Kappa at Harvard. He married Elinor Miriam White in 1895 and they had 6 children. His works were affected by Thomas Hardy, William Butler Yeats, John Keats and influenced the likes of works of Robert Francis, Edward Thomas, James Wright. His poem "Fire and Ice" influenced George R. R. Martin's fantasy serie "A Song of Ice and Fire".