বায়োগ্রাফি : Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra is famous for his novel Don Quixote which has been translated into 140 languages and dialects and the most-translated book in the world. He is often considered as the best Spanish writer. Cervantes’s influence on the Spanish language is inconsiderable that often this language is called la Lengua de Cervantes. He is known as the El príncipe de Los ingenios ("The Prince of Wits"). Through pout his life he had many occupations like assistant of a cardinal after getting exiled from Castile in 1569, a soldier in a Spanish Navy infantry regiment and was captured by Barbary pirates, a procuring agent for the Spanish Armada and later as a tax collector for the government. His father was Rodrigo de Cervantes, was a barber-surgeon (not a physician) and mother, Leonor de Cortinas. They had a total of 6 children. Cervantes’s famous works include La Galatea, a pastoral novel and Novelas ejemplares (Exemplary Novels) in 1613.