ওয়াল্ট হুইটম্যান
ওয়াল্ট হুইটম্যান
জন্ম : 31st May
মৃত্যু : 26th March 1892
Followers : 3

বায়োগ্রাফি : Walter Whitman was born in West Hills, Town of Huntington, Long Island, to parents Walter (1789–1855) and Louisa Van Velsor Whitman (1795–1873). The second of nine children, he was called "Walt" to tell apart him from his father. He also worked as a journalist, teacher, and nurse during the civil war, who considered himself a humanist. Walt Whitman is the most important poet of the American Romantic movement and is famous for his poetry. His most renowned work Leaves of Grass was a collection of self-published poetry that led to his fame. Whitman's self-published Leaves of Grass was inspired in part by his travels through the American frontier and by his admiration for Ralph Waldo Emerson. The dominant themes that are more common in Whitman's poetry are democracy, life/death cycles, individualism, and nature. He's credited with developing a style of poetry that was distinctly American and democratic in its outlook. He wrote in simple language so that everyone could read.