জন স্টুয়ার্ট মিল
জন স্টুয়ার্ট মিল
জন্ম : 20th May
মৃত্যু : 8th May 1873
Followers : 0

বায়োগ্রাফি : John Stuart Mill was born in London and his father brought him up for future leadership of next generation of radicalism. He is considered as the most influential English language philosopher of the nineteenth century. He was well-read in Greek and Latin works along with the works of most major English and Scottish historians. As a naturalist, a utilitarian, and a liberal, his works reflected the results of a careful empiricist outlook. By this, he sought to combine the best of eighteenth-century illumination thinking with newly emerging currents of nineteenth-century Romantic and historical philosophy. His most important works include System of Logic (1843), On Liberty (1859), Utilitarianism (1861) and An Examination of Sir William Hamilton’s Philosophy (1865).

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