জোসেফ কনরাড
জোসেফ কনরাড
জন্ম : 3rd December
মৃত্যু : 3rd August 1924
Followers : 0

বায়োগ্রাফি : Joseph Conrad is famous for his work in nautical settings that illustrates hardship of human spirit in the middle of what he saw as an unemotional and unfathomable universe. Though he was Polish and wasn’t fluent in English until his 20s, he was competent in prose style and introduced a non-English sensibility into English literature. He is also considered as an early modernist yet his works have 19th-century realism. His protagonist characters and narrative approach have influenced others and many movies had been adapted and/or inspired by his materials. His works reflected a European subjugated time- including imperialism and colonialism and it deeply explored the human psyche.